At rally and march, New Orleans service industry workers call for better treatment

At a small but lively rally and march Sept. 16 that ended across from New Orleans tourism ground zero Jackson Square, New Orleans Hospitality Workers Committee (NOHWC) and supporters stood up for the rights of the city’s service industry workers.

About 75 people attended the event, which was NOHWC’s first rally supporting predictable scheduling, higher wages, sick pay, paid breaks, freedom from harassment, access to health care and other benefits – many of which are standard in many other industries, but denied to service industry workers.

Speakers called for more equitable treatment for the employees who support the city’s $7.41 billion tourism industry.

New Orleans bail bond companies overcharging defendants, according to SPLC complaint

New Orleans bail bond companies have charged defendants illegally high bond rates to get out of jail, according to an investigation by the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC), which revealed roughly $5 million in excessive fees was collected from nearly 50,000 people over 12 years.

The SPLC’s announcement was released the same day Orleans Parish Criminal Clerk of Court Arthur Morrell said he plans to cut the hours that his office will process bail bonds, meaning people locked up after office hours will likely remain in jail despite having met the bond set by a judge.