Surrounded by gravestones, protesters speak out in favor of Affordable Care Act

Before the  Affordable Care Act (ACA), schoolteacher Alaina Comeaux viewed age 25 as a death sentence.

That’s the age when she would be ousted from her parents’ insurance and forced to try and find insurance on the private market to cover her treatments for Crohn’s disease and ankylosing spondylitis. One treatment she receives as many as eight times a year costs $21,000 – per session.…

Hundreds march against Trump in New Orleans and “inaugurate the resistance”

A day of protest in New Orleans began with a mock funeral at the Mississippi River and ended with dozens of protesters linking arms at Duncan Plaza. On Jan. 20, as Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President, hundreds of New Orleanians marched in the streets, offering satire in the morning and a massive call to organize against threats to marginalized communities in the afternoon.…

Landrieu statement on Trump inauguration: “I am concerned he paints cities with too broad of a brush”

Tonight, Mayor MItch Landrieu responded to the inauguration of President Donald Trump with a statement that seemed to take issue with Trump’s “America First” message during his inaugural speech.

“Like he did on the campaign trail, President Trump painted a picture of poverty and crime in our ‘inner cities.’ Unfortunately, I am concerned he paints cities with too broad of a brush.…

Second Lines All Weekend: Saturday with Perfect Gentlemen and Sunday with Lady Jetsetters

Saturday (RESCHEDULED DATE) Perfect Gentlemen with To Be Continued Brass Band


Sunday Lady Jetsetters featuring the Stooges Brass Band

(route details for both parades below the jump!)

Perfect Gentlemen Second Line Parade

*RESCHEDULED DATE*: Saturday, January 7, 2017 12-4pm


Extraordinary Gentlemen & Ladies S.A. & P. Club.…

Swami Sankarananda visits New Orleans Jan. 4-15

On New Year’s Day 2014, the man called Swami Sankarananda – who will be visiting New Orleans Jan. 4-15 – began a nine-month, almost 3,000-mile trek across the United States, carrying nothing but necessities in a 25-pound backpack: a sleeping bag, razor, toiletries, socks, camera, mobile phone, headlamp and 1-liter water bottle. Wearing the orange dhoti of a Hindu monk, he resolved to “walk in prayer unceasing for all to know peace.” In an exception to this simplicity, he posted daily on Facebook, sharing personal interactions and observations.